Hi Ankit,

>I calculate the SNR, Peak Amplitude of the signal and the noise floor.
This first questions seem to be rather of a DSP nature than specific to
GNU Radio -- for example, SNR only makes sense when you define what your
signal is. There is not "physical" quantity that describes SNR in a
piece of spectrum, it all depends on what you want to receive. You'll
need to define a signal model, and mathematically quantify what SNR is,
and then build a flowgraph that calculates it.

> using FFT block in companion how do I extract the frequency samples
and Power level for every sample.

The output of the FFT block is the FFT of the input vectors; I think
this is what you refer to with frequency samples.
Power level, again, is depending on how you define signal power, but
it's common in signal to use the $L^2$ norm of a signal, and thus, the
square root of the sum of squares over a period of time.


On 26.09.2014 22:19, ANKIT KHUSHU wrote:
> My question is if we have an incoming signal coming from a usrp, How do
>> I calculate the SNR, Peak Amplitude of the signal and the noise floor.
>> And using FFT block in companion how do I extract the frequency samples
>> and Power level for every sample.
>> I am very new to gnuradio and very basic software skills.
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