First, calibration is outside the scope (so to speak) of GNU Radio and
USRPs, so absolute measurements are going to require test equipment.
But, you can determine SNR and the peak amplitude above the noise floor
for some simple signals by viewing them on uhd_fft or a similar program.
Peak hold and averaging functions may get you close to what you want.
Fortunately, after a while, you won't be new to GNU Radio any more.
- Jeff
On 09/26/2014 04:19 PM, ANKIT KHUSHU wrote:
My question is if we have an incoming signal coming from a usrp, How do
> I calculate the SNR, Peak Amplitude of the signal and the noise floor.
> And using FFT block in companion how do I extract the frequency samples
> and Power level for every sample.
> I am very new to gnuradio and very basic software skills.
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