On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 12:35 PM, Marcus Müller <marcus.muel...@ettus.com>

> Hi Marc,
> > Currently, I am trying to implement correlation receiver using FIR
> filters. I am looking into polyphase filterbank channelizer to implement
> correlation, but currently unable to do so because I currently do not
> know how to assign taps for channelizer.
> I should have pointed you at Tom's article on PFB channelizers and
> synthesizers [1].

Thanks, nice article! I am going to test it soon.

> > Oversampling at baseband ? I am currently sampling at 1Msps (usrp sink
> > sampling rate) for a tone spacing of 125KHz. You mean after the USRP sink
> > block I should upsample again and then do the correlation?  Or you mean
> > something else ? Please forgive me for asking too many question, I am
> still
> > learning.
> don't worry; this list is meant for GNU Radio discussion, I think things
> like exploring possibilities to do certain tasks in GNU Radio fit
> nicely, especially because you are considering using something "cool and
> new" like the PFBs in your approach. GNU Radio can always use more
> people actually trying to implement stuff!
> So: Oversampling is what you do when getting more samples out of your
> ADC than nyquist forces you to do. If you do 125k spacing 4FSK, then you
> have a total bandwidth of 750kHz + X, so 1MS/s is "just enough"; anyway,
> if you sample with let's say 3.125MS/s, than you'll have more samples.
> Within that received bandwidth, you will have the same signal as before,
> but now correlating against your known tone will give you a higher value
> than with only 1MS/s, and because noise stays uncorrelated, this will
> increase SNR. This is processing gain!
ADC in N210 is sampling at 100Msps, so you are saying that I can get
processing gain (better SNR) if I set the USRP sink sample rate higher than
IMsps i.e usrp_sink.sample_rate(3.125e6) instead of
usrp_sink.sample_rate(1e6) . Right ?

Also I read [1] that if I oversample by 2 then I gain 3dB in SNR, if
oversample by 4 I gain 6dB in SNR and so on, is that TRUE ? If this is true
I can get a lot of SNR improvement because ADCs are operating at 100Msps.

> >> ... encourage you to read a lot of books [1] and papers on this.
> > Thanks for the link, nice stuff.
> If you find something interesting, don't hesitate to add a new heading
> like "FSK demodulator technology" and add the references there; I think
> this list is something that could use broader usage :)

Sure! I 'll do that.

> >> Assuming you don't want phase jumps between symbols, why not just use
> >> the VCO block to generate frequencies out of your input values?
> > Wow! modulation is easy using VCO. A question, why would someone want
> phase
> > jump between symbols?
> In FSK systems, you'd usually want to avoid that, because phase jumps
> lead to spectral components that are not at  the frequency you shifted to.
> With PSK, phase jumps is your only way to encode data, and with QAM
> "half" of the information is encoded in phase. However, you usually see
> a pulse shaper after these, because transmitting a real phase
> discontinuity is somewhat physically impossible[2]. So these modulations
> get the spectrum of a phase-jumping system, smoothed by the spectral
> shape of the pulse shaping.
Thanks for the detail. Also, I got FSK modulator working using the VCO :)


> Greetings,
> Marcus
> [1]
> http://www.trondeau.com/examples/2014/1/23/pfb-channelizers-and-synthesizers.html
> [2] Basically, imagine the baseband signal as a sequence of rectangles
> in time; now, the fourier transform of a rectangle is a sin(x)/x, and
> that has a support that doesn't fit into a limited bandwidth.
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