On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 10:35 AM, Monahan-Mitchell, Tim
<tmona...@qti.qualcomm.com> wrote:
>>>>> I am wondering if the QA failure is relates, to the use of the hard float 
>>>>> ABI.
>>>> For me, whenever I have tried to specify hard or soft float ABI, cmake 
>>>> fails. If I don't specify it, it just works...
>>>>> I'm switching my OE builds to armthf now so I can compare my results with 
>>>>> Tom's.
>>> I'm working on a real fix for the qa code (not just symlinking until
>> > it works) Hopefully, I can confirm hard float status tomorrow.
>>> Philip
>>Seems like Philip was able to replicate these VOLK bugs using the hard float 
>> I just tried it myself using his hard float OE, but I'm still getting 
>> everything to pass ok on my system.
>> Tom
> OK, good to hear. Does that mean bugs 582 and 583 should be re-opened?

I've reopened the tickets as "Works for some". Philip, Nathan, and I
agreed to work together this week to try to resolve it seeing as how
Philip can replicate the problems.

Weather has delayed my weekend travel plans, so I won't get home until
late tomorrow night. Hopefully, we can get to this Tuesday or


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