
First: Please pay attention and reply to the list and not to me personally.

> A suggested "improvement" to the gnuradio code base (let me know what you
> think) :
> Please keep such objects in a globally visible list (I can provide a diff if 
> there is interest) so that applications such as mine can access them. UHD > 
> sources and sinks are likely to be quite static as are indeed most gr blocks 
> I would suspect.

What I think is that I wouldn't call that an improvement at all. IMHO
It's a horrible design ...

>> You'll have to give the instanciated uhd source block as an argument
>> of your custom block constructor and play with SWIG to make the Python
>> object be converted back to a C++ smart pointer. Have fun.
> It sounds quite messy and hence I had to ask this list if there was a better
> way.

Wait what ?  Passing the pointer cleanly between blocks is "messy",
but polluting the global application namespace is "clean" ??? I think
we have radically different idea of what's good design and what's not

> I am open to any ideas.  I could of course modify the gnuradio source code
> to export a global pointer but I'd love it if  I could leave the core source
> code alone.

If I'm not mistaken, you can control the UHD source / sink with
message passing to change the frequency. Then your MAC just has a msg
output port connecting to the uhd message input port to control it.



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