On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 12:15 PM, Dincer Beken <dbe...@blackned.de> wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> How important is qa_qtgui?
> This is the result of the make test for Fedora 19 on Intel 64 Bit. (second 
> run). So qa_fir crashing (see below) is an AMD issue...
> 99% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 176
> Total Test time (real) = 112.33 sec
> The following tests FAILED:
>         163 - qa_qtgui (Failed)
> Errors while running CTest
> make: *** [test] Error 8
> [dbeken@localhost build]$
> ยด------------------------------------------
> This was the first run:
> Total Test time (real) = 122.63 sec
> The following tests FAILED:
>         146 - qa_pfb_clock_sync (Failed)
>         152 - qa_constellation_receiver (Failed)
>         163 - qa_qtgui (Failed)
> Errors while running CTest
> make: *** [test] Error 8
> [dbeken@localhost build]$ make test
> QUESTION: How important is qa_qtgui?

Depends on if you want to use QTGUI. Are you running a X server or are
you just working in a console? The only times I've seen QTGUI build
but fail QA is if you are remoted in over SSH and not forwarding X (or
if the remote isn't running X). All that QA does is try to create
QTGUI sink objects but not actually run them.

So if you're not interested in the GUI sinks, then QTGUI is not
important and should probably be disabled during cmake.

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