On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 3:43 AM, Dincer Beken <dbe...@blackned.de> wrote:
> Hi all,
> so I have installed Bastian's Gnu Radio and could build the files. I have not 
> changed the FindGnuradioRuntime.cmake,  because when I ran the cmake with 
> Bastian's Project there were no errors, and to be honest, I don't know if I 
> need to overwrite it still (although Make for gr-ieee802-15-14 crashed).
> Right now, I don't have anything to do with Bastian's Projekt but still 
> having trouble with the Gnuradio Code.
> When I run a make test I got a %2 error rate with
> - qa_fir_filter_test
> - qa_freq_xlating_fir_filter_test
> - qa_ctcss_squelch
> - qa_codec2_covocoder

Hi Dincer,

Ignore the CTCSS and CODEC2 problems. There's some architecture issues
involved there that we haven't been able to track down, but the QA
code failing isn't a problem unless you are specifically using those

The FIR filter tests are likely VOLK related. Again, this seems to be
an architecture thing. Though I think if we plotted the histograms,
there is only a partial overlap between these failures and the other
two. I've never been able to generate these errors on any of my
machines of VMs and so haven't had a chance to look into what's going
on here.

Try running 'volk_profile' and waiting for that to complete. You
should be ok running applications after that, at least.

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