<<Another question, what the app locks up, what makes it recover? Reload
app, power cycle user, replug eth cable, re ifconfig, restart PC?>>

In my case, I had to press ctrl+C and then restart the code to make it work.



On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 1:13 AM, Josh Blum <j...@ettus.com> wrote:

> > I have now played with the wireshark.
> >
> > I do not get what you suggest "ICMP destination unreachable packet"
> > or something similar. The only "ICMP" protocol related is when I
> > connect the device and setting up the ip address, but no "unreachable
> > packets" or similar during the uhd run. When running there are only
> > UDP frames/protocol.
> >
> > Instead, however, I discovered some really suspect behavior with the
> > ports changing wildly back and forth on both the device and host, and
> > UDP packet/frame size then change much too. This happens both in the
> > beginning of the streaming (see attached packets 241--287), then
> > after a while it settles to the requested (constant) packet size
> > (3050 bytes, close to the requested 3008 bytes) and the ports becomes
> > fixed (see packets 1271-1277) .
> >
> > But then in the end, when it all fails, the ports on the device and
> > host suddenly change again and the packets becomes very small, like
> > 58 or 60 bytes only (see packets 211078 --). The little actual data
> > in those failing packets seem quite odd too.
> >
> The packets in the dump all look quite normal. If it helps, here is the
> mapping for the ports from fw_common.h
> #define USRP2_UDP_CTRL_PORT 49152
> //#define USRP2_UDP_UPDATE_PORT 49154
> #define USRP2_UDP_RX_DSP0_PORT 49156
> #define USRP2_UDP_TX_DSP0_PORT 49157
> #define USRP2_UDP_RX_DSP1_PORT 49158
> #define USRP2_UDP_FIFO_CRTL_PORT 49159
> #define USRP2_UDP_UART_BASE_PORT 49170
> #define USRP2_UDP_UART_GPS_PORT 49172
> > Please find the transcript of the mentioned and seemingly crucial
> > packages from the beginning and the end when the UHD communication
> > fails. Note the selected packets' numbering. The wireshark captured
> > the command: uhd_fft -a "addr=, recv_frame_size=3008"  -s
> > 25e6
> >
> Is the behavior any different when the recv_frame_size is
> unspecified/aka left default MTU?
> Another question, what the app locks up, what makes it recover? Reload
> app, power cycle user, replug eth cable, re ifconfig, restart PC?
> -josh
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Muhammad Nazmul Islam

Graduate Student
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Wireless Information & Networking Laboratory
Rutgers, USA.
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