On 26 nov 2012, at 13:43, Josh Blum <j...@ettus.com> wrote:

>> Even if I just run an example with UHD-->Null sink (that is without any 
>> rendering GUI) I get the exact same problem that samples stop coming after a 
>> short period of time. 
>> Or if I just try to save the samples to a file it stalls/stops and I can 
>> only save relative few samples.
>> I think what Patrik describes in his responses is probably a different issue 
>> which I sometimes also have experienced, but relates to the GUI, not 
>> necessarily the UHD communication.
>> In my case, the samples just stops coming from the device so I believe its 
>> UHD related. 
>> IMPORTANT NOTE: The green LED labeled C on the N210 goes from a steady ON 
>> (when samples are delivered) to suddenly OFF at the instant when samples 
>> stop coming to the host computer.
>> Also, the large orange LED goes from a steady ON when samples are streamed 
>> to very rapidly blinking at the instant when samples stop coming.
>> Finally, not until I abort the stalled application the fast blinking orange 
>> LED turns off completely again. 
> LED C means the DSP is in RX mode. If continuous streaming is on, 3
> things can cause this light to shutoff:
> 1) a stop streaming command packet (from issue stream command)
> 2) overflow in the device. This never happens on the network devices
> unless the sample rate is > 25e6 and the wire format is still sc16
> 3) ICMP destination unreachable packet. This usually comes when the
> kernel sees that a destination socket is not open.
> I think you can eliminate 1 and 2. Can you confirm 3 with a wireshark run?

Thanks. I will try but I am not so familiar with wireshark. 
Just briefly tried to use it but it was not trivial to set up, as I recall.

/ Rickard

> -josh

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