On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 10:42 AM, Stefan Ott <o...@iam.unibe.ch
<mailto:o...@iam.unibe.ch>> wrote:
Hey list
I managed to build gnuradio 3.5.1 and (almost) got it working on the
USRP E110. However, when I try to run uhd_rx_cfile.py (with
--samp-rate 10e6 -f 97.7e6) it segfaults. You will find the log below.
So there is essentially no chance the E110 can record to Flash at
10Msps. It probably won't sustain flash writes at 500ksps. Try a lower
sample rate, or a small number of samples written to a tmpfs instead.
Tangential and not directly relevant, but I was testing an embedded ARM
system on Tuesday specifically for SDcard write performance, and on
a Class-10 SDcard was able to sustain 40Mbyte/second on a 32Mbyte
"sprint"--for 100 iterations. That's unrelated to USRP performance,
but at least on ARM hardware writing to "decent" SD cards, you can
get pretty-good performance.
Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium
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