On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 18:48, Nick Foster <n...@ettus.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 10:42 AM, Stefan Ott <o...@iam.unibe.ch> wrote:
>> Hey list
>> I managed to build gnuradio 3.5.1 and (almost) got it working on the
>> USRP E110. However, when I try to run uhd_rx_cfile.py (with
>> --samp-rate 10e6 -f 97.7e6) it segfaults. You will find the log below.
> So there is essentially no chance the E110 can record to Flash at 10Msps. It
> probably won't sustain flash writes at 500ksps. Try a lower sample rate, or
> a small number of samples written to a tmpfs instead.
> That said, it shouldn't segfault, even at high sample rates. Does a lower
> rate work OK?

I am actually writing to RAM so that shouldn't be the problem. And
yes, it also segfaults at lower sample rates (I tried multiple values
down to 1) and with a small number of samples (also tried just 1

It would seem that the very idea of reading from the device causes the segfault.

Stefan Ott
Communication and Distributed Systems
Institute of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
University of Bern

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