Dear list and Josh,
I'm still getting this error when using the QAM Demod block (qamX_demod is
not connected internally).
Are there any new developments concerning these blocks?


Josh Blum-2 wrote:
> Well, when you receive a qam signal, and lock to it, you still have some 
> unknown phase offset. Lets suppose qam8 has two possible phases: 0 and 
> 180 degrees. Since you don't know which phase is correct, you can look 
> for the packet header in the received signal at 0 degrees and 
> simultaneously at 180 degrees. Whichever phase offset yields a valid 
> packet is the winner. Of course, this all assumes that you are framing 
> your data with some kind of packet headers.
> Anyone else have some qam demodulation ideas to share?
> -josh
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