Thanks Jason, Marcus,

I forgot to mention I'm using the WBX, not the TVRX.  I'm using the UHD as

The flowgraph

uhd_single_source -> agc2 -> streamToVector -> fft_vcc -> cmplexToMagitude
-> binStatistics

I added the agc2 block recently, I have similar problems without it.

Usually I'm interested in sweeping from 50 MHz to 2.2 GHz, but this scan was
from 558 MHz to 568 MHz.  The FFT size I use is usually 512 or 1024.  I
believe the decimation rate here is 256, but both problems persist no matter
the decimation/sampling rate I select.

On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 1:43 PM, Jason Abele <> wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 10:10 AM, devin kelly <> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I've created a spectrum sensor with the USRP2, my python script uses the
> > same idea as found in gnuradio.  That is, it
> tunes,
> > takes an FFT, records, retunes, etc.
> Could you post a flowgraph or tell us what frequencies you are tuning
> sweeping across, what step size, any averaging you use, sample rate or
> decimation, etc.
> > I have two problems with my data though.  In the file attached is some TV
> > spectrum (left half) and noise (right half).
> >
> > My first question is this: why isn't the spectrum for the TV signal flat,
> it
> > seems to bob up and down.  Note that each segment is from a different
> FFT,
> > that is each FFT produces that oval shape.  At first I thought this had
> > something to do with the window I was using but I've tried hamming,
> > blackman-harris, and rectangular windows and they all have this effect.
> The TVRX has a 6MHz bandpass filter, which will add shape to the
> spectrum you sense and even if you pick a smaller than 6Msps sample
> rate, you will still have several effects to consider:
> * Aliasing of energy inside the 6MHz bandpass
> * Probably 75% of the 6MHz is the flat region
> * TVRX has finite tuning steps, so you may be causing the USRP2 DDC to
> push your IF against the edge of the TVRX bandpass
> > My second question is why isn't the transition between TV spectrum and
> noise
> > more smooth? It looks like it could be smooth but the gain seems to jump
> for
> > an FFT right after 566 MHz and then settle down again.  I thought this
> might
> > be the AGC but I've tried different attack/decay rates, different
> reference
> > levels, etc with the agc2_cc block but the problem remains.
> >
> I am not familiar with the agc2 block, but I would recommend against
> using AGC until you are confident you have handled the bandpass nature
> of TVRX properly
> > Any help with either of these questions would be appreciated,
> If you are using UHD, you might consider using the uhd::tune_result_t
> returned by set_center_freq() to make sure you are staying centered in
> the bandpass filter
 When I do a sweep from 558MHz to 568MHz with my decimation rate of 256 I
get these results from tune_result_t.  Note this isn't all the results, but
I think you can get the idea from these.

Target Inter Frequency  567277343.75  Actual Inter Frequency  567277167.277
Target DSP Frequency  -128.777472496  Actual DSP Frequency  -128.778629005
Target Inter Frequency  567472656.25  Actual Inter Frequency  567472527.473
Target DSP Frequency  -81.0821123123  Actual DSP Frequency  -81.0716301203
Target Inter Frequency  567667968.75  Actual Inter Frequency  567667887.668
Target DSP Frequency  -33.3867521286  Actual DSP Frequency  -33.3879143
Target Inter Frequency  567863281.25  Actual Inter Frequency  567863247.863
Target DSP Frequency  -1511.94291818  Actual DSP Frequency  -1511.9323507
Target Inter Frequency  568058593.75  Actual Inter Frequency  568057081.807
Target DSP Frequency  -891.903235674  Actual DSP Frequency  -891.904346645
Target Inter Frequency  558097656.25  Actual Inter Frequency  558096764.347

The DSP frequency is all over the place, from -30 to -1500, why is it always

Thanks Again,
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