On 18/03/2011 1:10 PM, devin kelly wrote:

I've created a spectrum sensor with the USRP2, my python script uses the same idea as usrp_spectrum_sense.py found in gnuradio. That is, it tunes, takes an FFT, records, retunes, etc.

I have two problems with my data though. In the file attached is some TV spectrum (left half) and noise (right half).

My first question is this: why isn't the spectrum for the TV signal flat, it seems to bob up and down. Note that each segment is from a different FFT, that is each FFT produces that oval shape. At first I thought this had something to do with the window I was using but I've tried hamming, blackman-harris, and rectangular windows and they all have this effect.
The CIC decimator in the FPGA necessarily effects a bandpass filtering effect, whose "skirts" are not infinitely steep, the shape of that bandpass response is roughly a "rounded hump". If you take multiple "snapshots" of spectrum, over multiple tunings, you'll get a bumpy effect because the pass-band isn't flat. One way to "fix" this for making nicer-looking displays is to invert the "hump" effect in the FFT magnitudes, prior to "stitching".

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