On 12.01.2011 20:22, Marcus D. Leech wrote:
If connected to a Xilinx board, FIR and decimation could still be done in the 

There's a cheap one here, with USB2 and Spartan3, only 70€ (<$100)
Or this one for 145€?

Do you think the FMC interface can be realized with the 52 Xilinx GPIO pins,
just with the specific FMC driver software?

Quite possibly, don't actually know that much about FMC, but my impression is that it's a fairly-generic way of
  putting expansion "goop" onto a generic FPGA board.

Is this really a problem? For spectral analysis this is only an axis shift.
For demodulation you would have to do some kind of adaptive doppler 
compensation and phase
tracking anyway. Could all this be done by continuously changing the DDC 
parameters over the wire?

Maybe, maybe not. Depends on the applications, but I'm guessing that a significant number of applications can get away with the fact that their signal of interest isn't exactly at DC, and do the DDC in software.

For example, I happen to be interested in signals centered at 1420.40575Mhz. But I'd be perfectly happy if the "0Hz" in the signals was actually at 1420.400MHz--I could compensate in the software side. Resolution of 50KHz or better should be achievable with the PLL I've shown on the block diagram. Phase noise improves
  with larger resolutions, however.

Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

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