On 01/12/2011 02:32 AM, Moeller wrote:
> Maybe an FPGA Experimentation kit could be extended with an RF/Sampling part:
> $400 price class, includes PowerPC, 64 DSP slices,
> Gigabit Ethernet, 64 MB RAM, just RF part and A/D converters are missing:
> http://www.eetimes.com/electronics-products/fpga-pld-products/4103784/-395-Virtex-5-FXT-FPGA-evaluation-kit
> Ok, not Open-Source hardware, but at least cheaper than USRP2.
There's also the Xilinx SP601, which has roughly half the number of
logic blocks as the board you
  mentioned above, but is also only $249.00.  I don't have a good
intuitive feel for the number of
  required logic blocks/LUTs/slices are required for any given task.

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Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

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