On 04/30/2010 06:53 AM, Per Zetterberg wrote:

I have finally compiled the uhd library. When I do "sudo
./uhd_find_devices" I get "No UHD Devices Found". I have turned off the
firewall. I have loaded the firmware unto the SD card. When I turn on
the power of the USRP2 first all leds on the front are lit and then only
"D" is on.

I know you got me off-list, but I would like to share the answer because people tend to google these things and get list postings:

The solution was to set a static IP address on the network interface. Its not like the raw ethernet communication where sometimes you needed a static ip to make a particular interface work. You always need the static IP address to send and receive the UDP packets.

Also, you should not need the sudo. uhd_find_devices works fine as normal user.

And a little trivia for today: The "F" LED on the USRP2 is actually light (faintly).


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