I also have a xcvr2450 that won't lock sometimes. This is at 2.4GHz.

Also an issue about IQ imbalance:

I am measuring IQ imbalance. The values are generally quite good. However, one thing I don't understand is that the mirror frequency doesn't turn up on exactely "-f" but a few Hertz off. I don't get this. Are we sure that the down-conversion on the FPGA is completely turned off ?


Ian Holland wrote:
Hi Matt

Yes, -9 dBm is safe.

Glad to know it was all safe re input levels.

I have not seen the problem locking without trying a lower frequency. What if you try 5 GHz twice in a row?

The problem with the not locking to 5G is very intermittent. A few times
when it did occur, I tried your suggestion of trying 5G a second time:

2 out of 3 times, it locked the second time. The other time, it did not,
but then trying 2.35G followed by 5G did then work.

Regarding the other intermittent issue that appeared as IQ imbalance, I
have swapped the USRP2/XCVR2450 pair used for transmit with the receive
one, and haven't observed the issue since. It may still occasionally
occur for the first pair, but this is a workaround for me. I am still
confused as to why it occurred to begin with.

Best Regards


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