On 04/11/2010 11:09 PM, Ian Holland wrote:
Hi Matt
Can you please confirm by input level you are referring to the input to
the transceiver daughterboard? I am using the XCVR2450, for over-the-air
reception. The input level (to the XCVR2450 at the receiver) would have
been roughly:
Tx Power (max. 20 dBm as per
http://www.ettus.com/downloads/er_ds_transceiver_dbrds_v5b.pdf) + Tx
Ant. Gain (3dBi) - Free Space Loss (at least 46dB for 2m separation and
2.4 GHz freq.) + Rx Ant. Gain (14 dBi)
As far as I can tell based on the above (presuming the 20 dBm transmit
power is based on max. gain setting for the Transmitting XCVR2450), the
largest signal I could have at the Rx port after the Rx antenna is:
20 + 3 - 46 + 14 = -9 dBm
So, if this is the case, I presume all was safe regardless of the chosen
Rx gain setting for the receiving daughterboard.
Yes, -9 dBm is safe.
Can you please confirm if this would be the case, as I am encountering
inconsistent behaviour with my equipment (such as the unrepeatable error
mentioned earlier, and occasional fails to lock at 5 GHz without first
trying to lock to a much lower frequency).
I have not seen the problem locking without trying a lower frequency.
What if you try 5 GHz twice in a row?
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