
Did I have some misunderstanding about it? I still think the problem is from
USRP2 rather than flow graph.
For example, I made some tests to change the while loop such as:

def main(): 
    t = my_top_block() 
    print t.c2mag.unmuted(): #show exceed threshold or not 

    m = my_top_block() 
    print m.c2mag.unmuted(): #show exceed threshold or not 

    n = my_top_block() 
    print n.c2mag.unmuted(): #show exceed threshold or not 

As same condition as before, after two correct outputs, the third one start
to show the error.

Thank you.

Johnathan Corgan-2 wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 12:27, Andy_Long <luckshiw...@yahoo.com.cn> wrote:
>> I have faced the same problem. I try to received the limited samples from
>> USRP2 by using "head"block. It should return a -1 and the flow graph will
>> stop, am I right?
> The flowgraph will not only stop, but will end its lifetime.  Once
> run() has returned, the flowgraph is no longer usable, or as we like
> to say, further operations on it are "undefined."
> In general, starting and stopping an individual flowgraph should occur
> at the same level of processing as application startup and shutdown.
> Anything else is usually a sign of incorrect design (though not
> always.)  The run() method on a top block is really just a convenient
> way of telling GNU Radio your application has nothing else to do until
> the flowgraph exits.
> Can you describe what you are trying to do?
> Johnathan
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