Thanks Matt
I am making good progress as I teach myslef to decode Mode S using a DSO and
* *
* Mode S decoder using Digital Scope and perl on openSUSE LINUX *
* Andrew Rich - March 2010 *
* *
Sample rate 10MS/s
Max sample 71
Cut off 35.5
Array is 4000 points
Trigger on point 1094
Start count 1096
Pre-amble Match
DF starts at 1176
DF value 17
Type ADS-B squitter
Address 75008F
FT value is 11
Type Airborne Position NUC = 7 25 m < HPL < 185.2 m
----- Original Message -----
From: "Matt Ettus" <>
To: "Andrew Rich" <>
Cc: "Nick Foster" <>; "gnuradio"
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 3:07 AM
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] gnu Radio and Mode S (1090 MHz)
On 03/16/2010 10:52 PM, Andrew Rich wrote:
Thanks Nick
I have some more questions if I may
1) What determines the bandwidth of the daughter boards for USRP ?
The bandwidth is limited by the data rate back to the computer, so with
the USRP1 you get 8 MHz of RF BW, and with the USRP2 you get 25 MHz. The
exception is the TVRX daughterboard which has SAW filters that limit you
to 6 MHz.
2) Where do you connect if you want to bypass the RF board and connect
at base band ?
Use the LFRX daughterboards instead. They give you baseband inputs.
3) Will I be able to achieve what I want to achieve on openSUSE linux ?
4) When you talk about "code" what language ?
C++, Python, or using GRC which is a graphical design system.
5) What is a trunk when you talk about gnu ? is that the software base ?
6) I assume I can get an RF board and do 1030 MHz as well ?
Yes. The DBSRX will receive that frequency, as will the WBX and RFX900/
7) Can I use perl to do any of this ?
Probably not.
8) Would someone be able to guide me through this.
9) Is a "PC" suitable and quick enough to keep up with the signals ?
Does the USRP and code lag or is there plenty of time left over ?
Not sure what this means. People have done what you are trying to do
already and it works.
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