You can only get side A signals on output A and side B signals on output B for the usrp dual source. Until now...

I have a branch were I added the option to change the A and B sources to select for different sides.

Please try it out and let me know.
Thanks, -Josh

On 03/09/2010 10:33 PM, dan s wrote:
Hi all,

I am looking to simultaneously record two real signals (not with IQ) using a 
single LFRX daughtercard.

How can I do this with GNURadio companion?  I have spent a while looking at the 
USRP Source and Dual USRP Source blocks and could not figure out.

I am looking to record from Side A with RXA and RXB.  I tried setting the RX 
Antenna setting to RXAB and used the complex to real block to extract channel 
RXA, and complex to imaginary block to extract RXB.  I don't think this worked 

I also tried using two separate USRP source blocks, each on side A but one for 
RXA and the other for RXB.  When I did this I got an error related to already 
having one USRP side A block running.

Any help would be greatly appreciated


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