Hi,I am not using GNU Radio, I am simply taking 16-bit data samples from the
USRP in a small C++ interfacing program for Windows using
Now, I want to write my own FM demodulation code for these samples as I am
not using GNU Radio, I won't be using any signal processing blocks,
therefore I cannot use usrp.source_c [s] block.

So in this case, what is my 16-bit sample representing? An I or Q or (I +

On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 2:59 AM, Jason Uher <jasonu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > So the data samples that I am getting are in the form of I0,Q0,I0,Q0....
> or
> > a sum: (I + Q)?
> > If these are in the form of I0,Q0 ... then how do we keep a track that
> which
> > one is an I and which one is a Q?
> Which usrp source are you using in gnuradio?  There are both real
> sources, and complex sources.  You want to use a complex source, in
> which case the data will be streamed as (I0+Q0i).
> Jason
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