
Sit in front of your keyboard and during the time you wrote this complaint you could have made a start on the code. If you need to build flavors of MIMO and you cannot even make this beginning yourself, you are in the wrong end of this business.

This is a user contributed project. Matt sells hardware. Users write the code. If you cannot do that and you simply want a code monkey to do your work, I suggest you contact Jonathan Coulton or hire a contractor or work on it yourself QUIETLY.

Bob McGwier

john boon wrote:
hi all,
i haven't had any reply till now on "MIMO with USRP". its very unfortunate that big people like eric,jonathan and even matt didn't reply to my query. A Board like USRP which started way back in 2005 (usrp1..which is mimo capable according to ieee spectrum 2006 ), still dont have any reference code for MIMO. sorry to say, this is really slow I Understand I NEED to write and make a way out and for that one has to go through mails lists archives. But my investigation requires me to test different flavours of MIMO, i would have been happy if there is some working code on which I NEED TO BUILD MANY FLAVOURS of MIMO without really breaking down my head over writing hardware related configurations program. Forget about C++, i dont think any python reference code exists for MIMO. having so many standards like wimax and LTE which have MIMO implementations, i think gnuradio forum people should seriously think about MIMO implementations. way..out i have started writing code..but i still stand on the word.."this is not the way you support for open source hardware ----> this is to hardware manufacturers"



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