feldmaus <feldmann_markus <at> gmx.de> writes:

> Is there any example which corrects the dc offset ?
> So that we see, which commands are up to date.

I think we have first to calculate the dc offset?
And the to adjust ?

To calculate the dc offset we can use:
usage: usrp_cal_dc_offset [-v] [-w which_side] [-D decim] [-c ddc_freq] [-g 
  [-S fusb_block_size] [-N fusb_nblocks]

And get for example this:
  1715545 :    172                2597454 :    260

Which is side A and which one is side B ?
The '-w' parameter doesn't change anything, so how to use this correctly ?

To adjust the dc offset we can use:
set_dc_offset_cl_enable(self, int bits, int mask)
set_adc_offset(self, int which_adc, int offset)

Can somebody please explain the different between these both functions ?
Which one should we use to adjust the offset ?

Regards Markus

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