On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 7:14 AM, Mattias Kjellsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Today I updated gnuradio to current svn9988. And while doing that I also
> downloaded the binary package of mb-gcc and built the firmware- files,
> successfully thanks to the wiki and a well known search- engine.

You will also need to either build or download the FPGA firmware.

> The new firmware was loaded onto the sd- card successfully(?) is there
> supposed to be some output from u2_flash_tool, I can't locate the source for
> it, so I can't check for myself.

There is no output upon success.  You can re-run the same command, but
use -v instead of -w to verify the SD card contents match the file you
copied into it.


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