Today I updated gnuradio to current svn9988. And while doing that I also downloaded the binary package of mb-gcc and built the firmware- files, successfully thanks to the wiki and a well known search- engine.

The new firmware was loaded onto the sd- card successfully(?) is there supposed to be some output from u2_flash_tool, I can't locate the source for it, so I can't check for myself. But since I could run find_usrps with the (probably) new firmware, I guess it went fine.

I then tried all the test- programs, and they ran fine (find_usrps, tx_sample, ... from usrp2/host/apps/), before lunch, but when I got back from lunch they didn't.

I simply can't transmit according to my hardware oscilloscope. Although I see packages flowing on my eth0- device (using wireshark).

And when I try rx_streaming_samples (with a signal- generator as source, generating a 100kHz sine) I suddenly receive a lot of noise. Looking at the fft of the received signal one could say that it _might_ be a sinusoid in there, but very weak. But only after lunch, before lunch the received signal was a noise free sinus of 100kHz...

The only thing that is working as expected after I got back is find_usrps. I think I'll never eat lunch again ;)

I'm out of ideas of how to solve this. Suggestions of things to try and/or check for, no matter how simple would be appreciated.

//Mattias Kjellsson

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