Have you tried out my patch yet? I'm just getting back to working on this
> again - and unfortunately it seems I left my version in an unworking state.
>  I'm fairly confident the patch I sent you is not a working version - but I
> could be wrong. I have a couple different versions of my code laying around
> here, and I'm not sure if I still have one that works now.  So I will likely
> be repeating some of my work from this summer, figuring out exactly how I
> got the hier_block2 and BBN code to work nice with each other.
> Doug
Hello Doug,

Sorry it took me some time to get back to you.  I somehow missed this last
post.  You are correct...the patch did not work.  I assumed you had made
other changes to the UofUtah code for your own purposes before creating the
patch, so I have been working on making my own patch.  I am currently
getting a "cannot coerce endpoint" error, so I must be building the
flowgraph incorrectly, but I will continue to work on it.  When I am
successful, I will post my patch.  If you come up with a working patch
before you hear from me, let me know.

Best regards,

Dustin Maas
Research Assistant, Electrical & Computer Engineering, U. of Utah
Sensing and Processing Across Networks Lab
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