On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 12:57 PM, Chris Albertson
> I really does not have it's own software.  It's just that most softrock user
> like to use the "rocky" software because it runs on Windows.  You can't
> really do much with Rocky because it is closed source, binary only.
> Many people are using other software with softrock hardware.  However
> I think most of that "other" software is Dttsp based rather then
> gnuradio based. The
> hardware is designed to be connected to a sound card and outputs
> I and Q over a pair of analog outputs.  So what ever software you use
> it would not have to "talk" to the softrock, it would talk to your
> computer's audio subsystem.  Connections to the SR are all
> analog

GNU radio can work just fine with a sound card.  I had a OFDM link
going over an audio cable before I owned USRPs. :)

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