Hello Andreas,

thank you for your very interesting reply.

we would like to implement a DAB receiver with GNU radio. On the hardware side we have a USRP with the TVRX daughterboard.

Jens Elsner, who worked on DAB some time ago, found out that the TVRX
actually disturbs the OFDM signal very much, making it rather hard to
receive DAB, so I would strongly discourage its use (I'm not able to get
any information out of TVRX samples currently).

That is bad news... So perhaps at first we should do some analysis if DAB is really impossible with the TVRX or if we only have severe degradation of SNR. We have a DAB transmitter just some km away from the university so perhaps it could somehow work at least for this one... Does anyone already have some data about the phase stability of the TVRX? Unfortunately the L-Band is no option here.

Is there any initial advice or pointers to existing implementations you could give us? Do we need the checkout the svn version or even some branch or is the 'latest stable' enough?

I have uploaded my current code to [2]. It requires GNU Radio from the
trunk and some small patches (mainly for the peak detector). If you are
interested, I can also send you my mostly-finished semester thesis

Thank you very much for all that. We also would be very interested in your thesis.

fn:Christoph Fischer
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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