Hi Andreas,

I am also interested in your work. Would you be so kind of sending me your
thesis when it is finished?

Thanks a lot!

Best regards,
Carles Fernández.

On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 4:01 PM, Andreas Müller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello Chris
> > we would like to implement a DAB receiver with GNU radio. On the
> > hardware side we have a USRP with the TVRX daughterboard.
> Jens Elsner, who worked on DAB some time ago, found out that the TVRX
> actually disturbs the OFDM signal very much, making it rather hard to
> receive DAB, so I would strongly discourage its use (I'm not able to get
> any information out of TVRX samples currently).
> My current setup involves a spectrum analyzer to receive the signal, and
> an external mixer+signal generator to convert from the IF of the SA down
> to 10 MHz for the BasicRX. I have uploaded some of the samples to [1].
> If you have a DAB station in the L-Band near you, you can also use the
> DBSRX. (@Jens -> is it ok if I publish your mode 2 samples as well?).
> > From some
> > older posts on this list, i learned that there are already some people
> > trying to do this.
> I have implemented part of DAB for my current semester thesis. I have a
> working physical layer (all OFDM stuff, all 4 DAB modes complete for
> transmitting and receiving), and enough of the FIC (fast information
> channel) to see the names of the radio stations (receiving+some blocks
> for transmitting; all modes). To actually hear something, the MSC
> (main service channel) would be needed (many blocks in the MSC already
> exist, as they are needed for the FIC too, so it should not be that much
> work).
> > Is there any initial advice or pointers to existing implementations you
> > could give us? Do we need the checkout the svn version or even some
> > branch or is the 'latest stable' enough?
> >
> I have uploaded my current code to [2]. It requires GNU Radio from the
> trunk and some small patches (mainly for the peak detector). If you are
> interested, I can also send you my mostly-finished semester thesis
> off-list.
> I hope to finish the FIC in the next week or so, but as my thesis is
> over at the end of this week, I am not sure, when/if I'll get to the
> MSC. The code for OFDM and FIC currently runs real-time on my four year
> old ThinkPad (Pentium M 1.6 GHz).
> Regards, Andreas
> [1] 
> http://people.ee.ethz.ch/~andrmuel/files/gnuradio/samples/<http://people.ee.ethz.ch/%7Eandrmuel/files/gnuradio/samples/>
> [2] 
> http://people.ee.ethz.ch/~andrmuel/files/gnuradio/gr-dab.tgz<http://people.ee.ethz.ch/%7Eandrmuel/files/gnuradio/gr-dab.tgz>
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