Thank you George!

I am just wondering when we calculate BER, how can we determine the value of 
bit energy? Thank u!


----- Original Message ----
From: George Nychis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Bill Stevenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2008 1:01:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] two questions about the general communication 

I mean that GNU Radio is not a programming language.  It's simply not.

Google "python random number generator"

- George

Bill Stevenson wrote:
> Hello, George
> Thank you for your answer! I am looking for a random number generator in 
> Python Code. Is that doable? What did you mean, Gnuradio is not a 
> programming language? Any suggestions for that generator? Thank you!!!
> Bill
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: George Nychis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Bill Stevenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc:
> Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2008 1:35:53 AM
> Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] two questions about the general 
> communication system
> Bill Stevenson wrote:
>  > 2, In GNURadio, is there a random number generator? e.g. i wanna
>  > generate a series of random number between 0 and 255? Anyone can tell me
>  > how to generate that? Thank u!!!
>  >
> GNU Radio is not a programming language.  GNU Radio is built from
> several languages.  Almost all languages have a random number generator.
>   We don't know if you're looking for a random number in a C++ block, or
> within python code.  Look up how to generate random numbers in the
> respective language.
> - George
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