Eric Blossom wrote:

> If you have two daughterboards you can send two independent signals.
yes, I have two daughterboards(Basic TX). I can now send two independent 
signals from the two daugterboards, but the two signals have the same 

> If you start fresh from USRP power-up you can control the phase
> between the transmitted signals (this also depends on the
> daugherboards that you are using and how they are configured.)  

How can I control the phase on power-up?

> power-up requirement is because from software we have no way to
> control the phase accumulator in the AD9862 digital up converter,
> however at power-up it has a constant value.

But if the two signals come out of the FPGA with different phase, 
because each one of the signals will go to different AD9862. I would 
think that the phase should be controlled from the FPGA and the AD9862 
will have nothing to do with the phase, probably not :).


> Eric

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