joe j wrote: > I'm trying to take the phase difference between two signals and combining it back with one signal's magnitude - using this for a radar project and I'm using 2 signals. The first signal is the signal I get back from reflection and the second is my reference signal (I subtract the phase from my reference signal to the signal collected then put it back with the original magnitude, I get the actual signal) - main goal is to get doppler spectrum.
I attached two examples of how I align two signals with a phase difference. For this to work you need gr.agc_cc and/or gr.phase_modulator_fc which are not in cvs yet. (But probably will be very soon) I extracted these from the code I am using to try to do passive radar with fm, TV and gsm signals. My current work on this can be donwloaded from The files on my website are not nicely formatted examples but just my current hacking code. There are also an fft based correlators in there. And a fake usrp signal generator which models and fm transmitter including a single echo received on two antenna's. I hope it is of use, Greetings, Martin
def build_phase_align_cc( fg, input0, input1,phase_avg_alpha=1e-5, ph_corr_type=1): #input two similar signals with a phase difference #returns two blocks outputting the signals phase aligned, # also returns the block which outputs the average phase difference mult=gr.multiply_cc() conj=gr.conjugate_cc() c2arg=gr.complex_to_arg() #fft_size) mult2=gr.multiply_cc() conj2=gr.conjugate_cc() #degrees=180.0 #ps=2.0*3.1415926535384626*degrees/360.0 #phase_sh=gr.multiply_const_cc(complex(cos(ps),sin(ps))) #add this phase_shift block in between for testing phase_average=gr.single_pole_iir_filter_cc(phase_avg_alpha) fg.connect(input0,(mult,0)) fg.connect(input1,conj,(mult,1)) if ph_corr_type==0: #this version does not work very well mag=gr.complex_to_mag() div=gr.divide_cc() #output of this contains only phase information, magnitude is eliminated (mag==1.0) float_to_complex=gr.float_to_complex() fg.connect(mult,(div,0)) fg.connect(mult,mag,float_to_complex,(div,1)) fg.connect(div,phase_average,(mult2,0)) elif ph_corr_type==1: #this version works OK, especially when both sources have amplitude 1.0 (use agc_cc for both before inputing) agc=gr.agc_cc(1e-5,1.0,1.0) #1e-3 #rate,reference,gain fg.connect(mult,phase_average,agc,(mult2,0)) #phase_average, elif ph_corr_type==2: #another way of doing this, this one is a bit noisy phasemod=gr.phase_modulator_fc(1.0) fg.connect(mult,c2arg,phasemod,phase_average,(mult2,0)) fg.connect(input1,(mult2,1)) #interleaver= gr.interleave(gr.sizeof_gr_complex) #fg.connect(dummy0,(interleaver,0)) #fg.connect(mult2,(interleaver,1)) #gr.hier_block.__init__(self, fg, di, interleaver) return input0,mult2,phase_average
class phase_align_cc(gr.hier_block): def __init__(self, fg, phase_avg_alpha=1e-5, phase_agc_avg_alpha=1e-5, ph_corr_type=1): # input two similar signals with a phase difference. # returns two blocks outputting the signals phase aligned, # also returns the block which outputs the average phase difference. # Works best when the signals have the same amplitude. # This can be accomplished when you add agc_cc before both inputs. di = gr.deinterleave(gr.sizeof_gr_complex) mult=gr.multiply_cc() conj=gr.conjugate_cc() c2arg=gr.complex_to_arg() #fft_size) mult2=gr.multiply_cc() conj2=gr.conjugate_cc() phase_average=gr.single_pole_iir_filter_cc(phase_avg_alpha) fg.connect((di,0),(mult,0)) fg.connect((di,1),conj,(mult,1)) if ph_corr_type==0: #this version does not work very well mag=gr.complex_to_mag() div=gr.divide_cc() #output of this contains only phase information, magnitude is eliminated (mag==1.0) float_to_complex=gr.float_to_complex() fg.connect(mult,(div,0)) fg.connect(mult,mag,float_to_complex,(div,1)) fg.connect(div,phase_average,(mult2,0)) elif ph_corr_type==1: #this version works OK, especially when both sources have amplitude 1.0 (use agc_cc for both before inputing) phase_agc=gr.agc_cc(phase_agc_avg_alpha,1.0,1.0) #rate,reference,gain fg.connect(mult,phase_average,phase_agc,(mult2,0)) #phase_average, elif ph_corr_type==2: #another way of doing this, this one is a bit noisy phasemod=gr.phase_modulator_fc(1.0) fg.connect(mult,c2arg,phasemod,phase_average,(mult2,0)) fg.connect((di,1),(mult2,1)) interleaver= gr.interleave(gr.sizeof_gr_complex) fg.connect((di,0),(interleaver,0)) fg.connect(mult2,(interleaver,1)) gr.hier_block.__init__(self, fg, di, interleaver) return (di,0),mult2,phase_average
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