>On Fri, 21 Oct 2005 14:26:23 -0700, Eric Blossom wrote:


>>On Fri, Oct 21, 2005 at 03:09:21PM -0600, Robitaille, Michael wrote:
>> Hello all and thanks for your.
>> I finally got all the baseline and gnuradio software installed per
>> KD7LMO.net with some modification and still some question, for instance:
>>             1- In the install_baseline.sh there is the installation of
>> xerces-c-src-2_6_0  but not in the baseline build shell or in the list of
>> items needed.  I did not install this package, is this ok?


>You don't need xerces.  This is OK
It would be good to change the install script at KD7LM0 web site.
>>             2- Is the Octave/Octave-forge package needed?  I did build
>> installed these packages.


>Not required for GNU Radio, but nice to have.


It would be good to to mention that this is optional at KD7LM0 web site.


>>             3- Should any of these packages, including gnuradio, be

>> installed with sudo?


> Depends on your setup.  I don't install with sudo (being generally
> paranoid), and have arranged things so that I'm in a group that has
> write access to everything under /usr/local.  Judicious use of 

>  chmod g+s on directories under there is useful.


I like the idea of not having to use sudo.  I will try to change the
permission on the appropriate directory.

Does anyone have a list of what those directories are?


>> I then tried to do install my brand new USRP, =), based on the wiki
>> UsrpInstall.  Here are the problems I have encountered and need help
>> 1-       The directory /usr/local/share/usrp/rev2 was not created with
>> required files (firmware).  I created the directory and added the files
>> root manually.  Running the program test_usrp_standard_tx does not seem
>> install the firmware file in the directory.  Most likely related to #3
>> but not I did try to do gnuradio install with sudo and it did not put the
>> fillies.  I did use CVS and per the instruction, I manually copied the
>> usrp_fpga.rbf to the directory.


> I think this was a permissions problem.  Unless you're setup to write

> /usr/local and below, you will want to "sudo make install".


>> 2-       When I run test_usrp_standard_tx I get the error - can't find
>> usrp_fpga.rbf.  The LED on the USRP does change from 2Hz to 1Hz, so the

>> firmware did get loaded.


> If you're building from CVS, you need to install the .rbf file manually.
> Grab http://comsec.com/usrp/usrp_fpga_rev2_2005_10_20.rbf
<http://comsec.com/usrp/usrp_fpga_rev2_2005_10_20.rbf>  and install
> it as /usr/local/share/usrp/rev2/usrp_fpga.rbf
I did that (see last sentence in #1) and I still got the error that it could
not find usrp_fpga.rbf.
Is this file supposed to be somewhere else to?
Isn't' there a better method to set this up with the CVS release?
>> 3-       I do have hotplug running and seem to have permission to access
>> USRP device (when I had a camera to the USB port, it loaded
>> When I check the /etc/hotplup/usb, I do not see usrp or usrp.usremap.
> We don't use the hotplug stuff.  Our library loads the firmware and fpga

> bitstream when you first open the device.


Why the the UsrpInstall wiki mention that you need hotplug for setting up
USB device permission?


I am on FC4, how can I make sure that I have permission for the USB?


I do not see any usrp or usrp.usremap in the /etc/hotplug/usb directory but
I do see some for the USB camera that I connected.


Can I get more information about the scrip that set the device permission
mention in the UsrpInstall wiki?


> There's lots of variation on usb device permissions depending on your
> distribution.  Under SuSE 9.3 it "just works".  Not sure why!
> Under Mandrake 10.1 I made myself a member of group usb, which is the
> group that owns everything under /proc/bus/usb/*
> FWIW, the gid and perms used by usbfs can be set with a mount command
> option.  E.g., 
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ grep usbfs /etc/rc.d/init.d/usb
>         action "Mount USB filesystem" mount -t usbfs -o

>  none /proc/bus/usb


I am running on FC4, any help with those that have experience or have USRP
running on FC4 would be appreciated.


>> 4-       When I run the example usrp_oscope.py I get the error No module
>> named gnuradio.
> Did you make install?  Did it work?
> You might try "sudo ldconfig"
> Is your PYTHONPATH set?  Should be something like:
>  /usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages


I did install and will do it again making sure that there are absolutely no
errors.  Somehow I must have missed an error message about not being able to
create the /usr/local/share/usrp directories.  I will try it with setting
write permission for the share directory.


Thanks for the help.
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