On Sat, Oct 22, 2005 at 10:31:46AM -0600, Robitaille, Michael wrote:
> >On Fri, 21 Oct 2005 14:26:23 -0700, Eric Blossom wrote:
> > Depends on your setup.  I don't install with sudo (being generally
> > paranoid), and have arranged things so that I'm in a group that has
> > write access to everything under /usr/local.  Judicious use of 
> >  chmod g+s on directories under there is useful.
> I like the idea of not having to use sudo.  I will try to change the
> permission on the appropriate directory.
> Does anyone have a list of what those directories are?

The big hammer approach is to change all directories under what ever
you use as prefix.  By default it's /usr/local

Shell programming 101:  

  $ find /usr/local/ -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chgrp <some-group-you-like>
  $ find /usr/local/ -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod g+rwxs

Figuring out what the setgid bit on a directory does is left as an exercise ;)

> > If you're building from CVS, you need to install the .rbf file manually.
> > Grab http://comsec.com/usrp/usrp_fpga_rev2_2005_10_20.rbf
> <http://comsec.com/usrp/usrp_fpga_rev2_2005_10_20.rbf>  and install
> > it as /usr/local/share/usrp/rev2/usrp_fpga.rbf
> I did that (see last sentence in #1) and I still got the error that it could
> not find usrp_fpga.rbf.
> Is this file supposed to be somewhere else to?
> Isn't there a better method to set this up with the CVS release?

Perhaps.  I need to find a solution that isn't a pain for the active FPGA 


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