What output voltage level should I expect from the basic tx?
The docs say it delivers maximum 20 mA into 25 or 50 ohm.
At 50 ohm this should result in 1.0 V max.
The most I can get out of it is 50 mV
(looked using oscilloscope, also put it into the composite video-input of a tv and this also saw very small signals (much less then the 1V
signals a tv expects)
I used the usrp_siggen.py example.
I added code to put the pga gain at maximum and used the standard amplitude
value (and also tried 30e3)
I also tried using the TX-B slot but I got the same results, maximum 50 mV.
What am I missing here.
Or should I suspect a hardware failure (of both dacs, of the reference voltage,
of the basic-tx board) ?
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