Martin Dvh wrote:
> I think I mixed up pin 2 and pin 5 of the transformers in my last mail.
> (I do not find it intuitive to put the middle lead of a winding on the
> other side of the component.)
> (pin 2 should be connected to gnd and pin 5 shouldn't)
> Although information on the internet contradicts.
> The datasheet says pin 5 is not connected.
> I found other pages about the ADT1-1TW which showed pin 5 as beeing
> connected to the middle of the windding.
> (although they did not use it)
> So I am not so sure anymore that disconnecting pin 5 will do the trick.
> Although disconnecting a N.C. pin shouldn't do any harm.

The output side of the transformer is not center tapped.  The input side
is.  The input side center tap needs to connect to ground.  On the
ADT1-1WT and the ADT4-1T the center taps are on pins 2 and 5
respectively.  That's why I connect both -- so that you could switch to
the other transformer if you wanted.  You would only want to do that for
the RX side, though.

So in short, there is no short. :)


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