I agree with Bob that it is worth trying going with H2, as it does simplify
things considerably. It also provides a possibility for db backup (and
transmission) through the copying (and sending) of the whole db file (though
a monthly zipped incremental DXF export should be smaller).


On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 3:40 PM, Olav Poppe <olav.po...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks
> It seems the barrier for going offline should be quite high... Will have to
> look more into exactly how bad the connections are in the worse areas, and
> also into the offline data entry in 2.4.
> As for those districts that *are* in fact offline, is the live package
> with H2 sufficient? Keeping postgres out of the picture would likely reduce
> the amount of support required quite a lot.
> Olav
> Den 18. aug. 2011 kl. 13:32 skrev Jason Pickering:
> I agree with both Bob and Ola.
> We have tried not quite yet succeeded in getting DHIS2 installed with
> Tomcat/Postgres on Windows with a one-click installer, this my caveat about
> a "supervised" install. There are a lot of things which can happen on users
> machines and maintenance becomes a huge issue. DHIS is still under intense
> development, and a lot of things change quickly. Upgrading a single server
> is a piece of cake. Upgrading dozens or hundreds of off-line machines is a
> true nightmare and a serious risk and resource drain to any deployment.
> I agree with Ola. Totally exclude an on-line server as an option first. If
> you have already done that, all I can say is, be prepared for a LOT of tech
> support.
> Regards,
>  Jason
> On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 3:15 PM, Ola Hodne Titlestad <ol...@ifi.uio.no>wrote:
>> Olav,
>> How offline are these districts? Can they not get connected through mobile
>> usb modems/dongles? There is so much to gain from online deployment that I
>> would check out every alternative of connectivity before deciding to go
>> completely offline. The mobile Internet solution is working very well in
>> Kenya. With the offline data entry capabilities in the upcoming 2.4, the
>> districts do not have to be online during the data entry process, which is a
>> major advantage in areas with poor/unstable connectivity.
>> Further recommendations on deployment can be found in the implementation
>> guide here:
>> http://dhis2.org/doc/snapshot/en/implementer/html/ch04.html
>> And a presentation on the same topic in the zip file with implementation
>> guide slides here:
>> http://dhis2.org/download/presentations/presentations.zip
>> Ola
>> -------
>> ----------------------------------
>> Ola Hodne Titlestad (Mr)
>> Department of Informatics
>> University of Oslo
>> Mobile: +47 48069736
>> Home address: Vetlandsvn. 95B, 0685 Oslo, Norway. Googlemaps 
>> link<http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Vetlandsvn.+95B,+0685+Oslo,+Norway>
>> On 18 August 2011 15:02, Jason Pickering <jason.p.picker...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> One strong reason not to use it is the relative lack of testing. In
>>> theory, it should work, but just as with MySQL, much more testing has
>>> occurred with Postgres than with the other database systems.
>>> We have some beta-level Windows installers, which might be of interest to
>>> you, which work pretty well under supervised circumstances. It might be
>>> something to consider if you want a relatively automated install of the
>>> DHISLive/Postgresql stack, with automated restore of the database.
>>> Regards,
>>> Jason
>>> On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 2:48 PM, Olav Poppe <olav.po...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> we're looking at what do to with offline installations for the
>>>> implementation here in Ghana. Are there any reasons *not* to use DHIS
>>>> Live? Can H2 be used (importing the metadata into an empty database), or
>>>> should postgres be set up as well?
>>>> There are 170 districts here, and about half of them might have to be
>>>> offline installs so an easy-to-use solutions would be good.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Olav
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