Hi Seth,   I mean the latter (i.e qa_pcbnew) and I wanted to find out which 
functions take so much time. It turns out that it's R-tree, clipper 
library, even shared_ptr.  BR,  Sylwester  Dnia 1 maja 2023 19:00 Seth 
Hillbrand <s...@kipro-pcb.com> napisał(a):  Which tests are you referring 
to?  Do you mean that running DRC on a specific board takes a long time?  Or do 
you mean that running `make test` takes a long time in the KiCad codebase?   If 
you mean the former, you will need to open an issue report and attach the 
specific board.   If you mean the latter, this is a known problem but without 
an adequate solution.  We need to open many, many boards and run checks to 
ensure that software updates do not regress prior solutions.  Each board load 
takes a fair amount of time.   Seth     Seth Hillbrand  Lead Developer  
+1-530-302-5483‬  Long Beach, CA  www.kipro-pcb.com www.kipro-pcb.com          
i...@kipro-pcb.com    On Sat, Apr 29, 2023 at 11:51 AM Sylwester Kocjan <   
s.koc...@o2.pl > wrote:  Hello!   I was wondering why pcbnew tests take so 
long time and I ran gpof on them. Sadly, I don't know what can be improved 
without in-depth knowledge of architecture. Let me share the results, maybe 
someone will find it interesting.   Best regards,  Sylwester    --   You 
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