Hi Folks-

KiCon 2023 preparations are in full-swing and tickets are moving!  You can
order tickets, volunteer and submit a talk proposal at

There is still time to submit a talk proposal if you would like to share
your KiCad experience with the wider community.  Speakers receive
complimentary tickets to KiCon as well as direct support from our team in
making your talk awesome.  We do have some limited support available (thank
you sponsors!) to help defray transportation costs if this is an
impediment.  Just mention this in your submission to be considered.

Even if your talk is not selected for KiCon 2023, we know that preparing a
talk proposal is a job in and of itself.  In recognition of this, you will
receive discounted KiCon 2023 tickets if your talk is not selected as well
as first-preview opportunity to submit a talk for KiCon 2024.

Included in KiCon tickets are
- A light breakfast and refreshments Saturday and Sunday
- Engaging and informative talks from around the KiCad community
- Lunch during the conference Saturday and Sunday
- Group dinners in A Coruña with the other conference attendees to meet and

We hope to see you all in A Coruña in September!

[image: KiCad Services Corporation Logo]
Seth Hillbrand
*Lead Developer*
Long Beach, CA
www.kipro-pcb.com    i...@kipro-pcb.com

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