Hi Folks-

Although we do not have a devroom for open hardware/eda this year, there
will be a few of us around FOSDEM.

If we have sufficient numbers, we will try to organize a BoF (Birds of
Feather) room where we can talk/code KiCad for an hour or two at FOSDEM.

We will also have a KiCad dinner on Saturday evening for those folks who
are around.  You can get an invitation to this by filling out

We'll organize a communication channel for those folks interested so that
we can find each other at the conference.

Be sure to fill out the form before Jan 10 so that I can confirm the
reservation with the restaurant.


[image: KiCad Services Corporation Logo]
Seth Hillbrand
*Lead Developer*
Long Beach, CA
www.kipro-pcb.com    i...@kipro-pcb.com

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