Hi, folks.  My bona fides:  I'm not a developer, but a hardware engineer 
who's been using
EDA for about 35 years, and before that about 8 years of hand-taped PCBs.  
I've been a
Mentor (old version under HP-UX) user for more than 20 years, so that's my 
point of 

On the advice of a trusted friend, I've decided to give V6 a shot, starting 
with the reproduction
(including some reverse-engineering) of some old through-hole boards, which 
should be a nice, gentle introduction.  I dearly love Mentor, but feel I 
need to make a serious effort to
modernize and get compatible with the tools an increasing number of people 
are now
using.  I'm working from poor quality schematics, so that's my starting 
point:  Redraw
good ones.

What I encountered today in the course of that schematic entry has really 
rattled me, and
calls into question whether KiCAD can be considered a serious tool.  Rather 
than my
repeating myself here, please take a look at the forum exchange I initiated 


I eagerly look foreward to a vigorous debate.


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