I'm cc-ing devel so this doesn't get lost on gitlab.  Let's move the 
discussion real email..

> include/ntp_fp.h:58 defines l_fp as a uint64_4, I can find no current 
> contrary definitions.

We need to make a cleanup pass in this area.

On the wire, it's unsigned.  As soon as the code gets 2 of them, it does a 
subtract so we need a signed version.  We need to check for underflow on the 
initial subtract.

There is also u_fp, a 32 bit version.  The comment says there is a s_fp, but I 
can't find it.


I think we should comment out this test until we get the release out.
Please include references to both issues and this message/thread.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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