Hal Murray <hmur...@megapathdsl.net>:
> -* We intend to fully support Network Time Security and to be first or
> -  second interop on that standard once it is finalized.  At that
> -  point, older insecure authentication methods (MAC and MS-SNTP) may
> -  be removed.
> +* Now that we have full Network Time Security, a neasr-future
> +  direction is to remove older insecure authentication methods (MAC
> +  and MS-SNTP).
> The old MAC mode in not insecure.  It's inconvenient to setup on a large 
> scale 
> since it requires manual intervention on the server for each new client.  
> It's 
> a kludge since it doesn't use an extension.  But it's not insecure.
> NIST supports it.
> >From a code standpoint, it's not that ugly.  I think it should stay.
> The MS-SNTP stuff is needed as a bridge to MS Active Directory.  I know next 
> to nothing about MS.
> It is a kludge in the sense that it calls out using TCP with associated waits 
> that breaks the fundamental never-wait assumption of ntpd.  That's OK on a 
> lightly loaded system.
> I won't complain (much) if you remove it, but you will be cutting yourself 
> off 
> from some (potential?) MS users.  It's tangled up with Samba which I don't 
> use.

I guess yhat 'graph can be removed, then.
                <a href="http://www.catb.org/~esr/";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

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