Yo Achim!

On Tue, 20 Aug 2019 21:22:13 +0200
Achim Gratz via devel <devel@ntpsec.org> wrote:

> Gary E. Miller via devel writes:
> >>  Dan's patch removed
> >> collapsed the internal list to a single element that is already
> >> stripped of its length byte,  
> >
> > Yes.  That was intentional.  
> As a hotpatch (and demonstration oof the issue) it's OK, as a longterm
> fix not.  All IMHO of course.  Btw, I'd expect a decent compiler to
> optimize the inner loop away as it's all based on static data.

So, not a problem?

> >> so it doesn't conform to the ALPN data
> >> structure description anymore.  
> >
> > Already discussed here.  Right or wrong, NTS was not compatible with
> > the other NTS implementations.  Dan's patch makes NTS compatible.  
> As does mine.

Plus the extra stuff we are discussing that is currently not useful, as
noted by your code comments.

> > If all the other NTS are doing it wrong, then you need to take it up
> > with them.  
> NTPsec was doing the wrong thing, and nobody but you insisted
> otherwise.

Uh, no.  I never insisted.  I have stated before, and now, that I have
NOT looked at the code OR the spec.  I am only going by what others have
told me.  I take no position on what is correct.

> >> Consequently it also omits any code
> >> to traverse the internal list, both of which will come back to bite
> >> you when you do need to support the second protocol.  
> >
> > Are there any plans for that?  I don't remember hearing any.  No
> > need for code to implement some vauge future possible change.  
> Yes.  The currently supported protocol is "ntpsec/1", which is not yet
> frozen in fact.  That will change as soon as that RFC is accepted and
> then any changes or extensions will need to define a new protocol
> version.

Yes.  But then the old one must go away.  So no need for fancy code
that does nothing now, or then.

> >> The previous changes introduced by Hal also check for things that
> >> the API clearly state need not be checked (there is explicit
> >> guidance that the callback we implement can assume the syntactic
> >> structure of the input data is correct).  
> >
> > Hal had weeks to look at it.  Did he miss something?  
> I'm not making any guesses about other folks' state of mind, just
> pointing out what I see in the code.

Well, either it interoperates, or it does not.  And it seems to
interoperate now.  So I'll leave it for now.

Gary E. Miller Rellim 109 NW Wilmington Ave., Suite E, Bend, OR 97703
        g...@rellim.com  Tel:+1 541 382 8588

            Veritas liberabit vos. -- Quid est veritas?
    "If you can't measure it, you can't improve it." - Lord Kelvin

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