On Sun, Aug 18, 2019 at 7:35 PM Eric S. Raymond <e...@thyrsus.com> wrote:

> Sanjeev Gupta via devel <devel@ntpsec.org>:
> > I have a feeling that was also removed, at some time.  Has it?
> I do not recall that we explicitly removed it. But I wouldn't count on
> it to work without testing.

The "Broadcast" item in ntpd/ntp_parser.yy was removed in

Placing a "broadcast" line, as described in NTP Classic, generates an error:

2019-08-18T21:07:20 ntpd[12697]: CONFIG: readconfig: parsing file:
2019-08-18T21:07:20 ntpd[12697]: CONFIG: line 57 column 0 syntax error,
unexpected T_String, expecting $end
2019-08-18T21:07:20 ntpd[12697]: CONFIG: syntax error in /etc/ntp.conf line
57, column 0


The documentation is inconsistent.  There is some mention of broadcast and
multicast, but the description of how to turn it on has been removed (which
is why I had to consult NTP Classic documentation).

Since the code, as of now, has no way to turn on broadcast _server_,and we
have documented removal or broadcast _client_ , can I assume this is
final?  If yes, I will go through the docs, tidying them up.
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