On 01/04/2018 08:51 PM, Gary E. Miller via devel wrote:
> Sure, my MR is trivial: leave as is, except revert the patch that
> removed the PYTHONPATH guidance to the builder.  Ain't borke, don't
> fix it.

I think one of the few things we agree on here is that the current
behavior in master is broken in the following way:

Run this:
./waf configure --prefix=/usr/local

If /usr/local is not in sys.path, waf installs the module to
/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages (no "local").

This is happening because of wafhelpers/fix_python_config.py. If that is
removed, it installs to /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages instead.

Do you wish to update your merge request?


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