Fred Wright via devel <>:
> On Tue, 26 Sep 2017, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
> > Fred Wright via devel <>:
> > > > Not Gentoo, the FHS.  And the package I am using is git head.
> > >
> > > The point is that the portable way to determine where to install the
> > > libraries is to ask Python via the get_python_lib() function.  Whatever it
> > > returns (as long as you don't supply the 'prefix' argument) is guaranteed
> > > to be in its initial sys.path.  If that location is inappropriate, it's
> > > the fault of whomever configured and built that Python.
> >
> > Does this means the FHS nonconformance isc an upstream bug?
> Exactly.  And one that nobody bothered to complain about for GPSD.

Well, *that* changes things a lot.

OK, here's the new plan.  It goes into effect unless Gary replies with
a good argument that the bug is ours and not Python's.

1. We keep Fred's recent MR.

2. Gary files a bug upstream to the Python devs detailing how  get_python_lib()
is implicated in FHS nonconformance. Gary, you willing?

3. We ship with a warning that the default installation is not FHS-conformant
due to an upstream bug for which we give an the issue tracker reference that
we got from step 2.

4. Release gets slipped by some days so we can have everything
properly tested at ship time.

> BTW, I have a tool that lists a few things including the library paths for
> every version of Python it can find on the system.  I can submit it to
> devel/ if you like.

Please do.
                <a href="";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

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