Yo Fred!

On Mon, 25 Sep 2017 20:26:44 -0700 (PDT)
Fred Wright via devel <devel@ntpsec.org> wrote:

> 1) Waf misuses get_python_lib() in a way that often gets the wrong
> result, with the effect of installing the libraries in a location
> where Python doesn't look for them.  This led to various
> inappropriate recommendations to set PYTHONPATH.  PYTHONPATH is a
> special developer kludge, analogous to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, which should
> never be set in normal operation.  Code that depends on setting
> PYTHONPATH isn't production-ready.

The default gentoo PYTHONPATH onlly looks for system installed
python libs.  We don't want to install NTPsec python files in the
system reserved directories.  Thus PYTHONPATH is the only solution.

> 2) The in-tree testing setup wasn't fully functional.  In the process
> of fixing that, I noticed that it was set up to apply the hacks to the
> *source* tree, which is inconsistent with the project's organizational
> philosophy of keeping build products out of the source tree.  I've
> reworked that, and it now works for all Python versions and handles
> the tests as well as the clients, but the switch to the build-tree
> orientation has operational impact (on developers, not users):

What was not functional?  I'm all for keeping the source tree clean
and building in the build directories.

> 1) The ntpd/version.h file.  This is probably fairly easy to fix, but
> when my quickie attempt didn't work I just left it for later.  This
> is the only remaining use of the 'clean' part of afterparty().

Can you file an issue for that?

> 2) The autorevision cache.  That whole autorevision thing needs work,
> since right now it's not possible to build outside a git repo without
> taking extra steps to create and install the cache file.  And
> contrary to what's implied by the documentation, it's not
> specifically a cross-building issue.  Either autorevision needs some
> sort of non-git fallback (a la GPSD), or there needs to be some
> better way to populate a non-git directory for a working build.
> Anyway, I left that stuff alone for now.

Can you make a new issue for that?
> MR coming.

Can you split apart your MR?  It addresses different issues and
at least #1 is probably not gonna happen.

Plus these are most likely too late for 1.0.  We are in the final
testing phases now.

Gary E. Miller Rellim 109 NW Wilmington Ave., Suite E, Bend, OR 97703
        g...@rellim.com  Tel:+1 541 382 8588

            Veritas liberabit vos. -- Quid est veritas?
    "If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it." - Lord Kelvin

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